What Counts and Does Not Count as Conspiracy

I’m a bit weary of the instant dismissal of something that sounds strange as a “conspiracy”. A conspiracy involves more than one person conspiring to do something or another illegal, usually high-profile, like run a competitor out of business, embezzle funds, turn an election, and so on. Exposing what a person does in secret is no conspiracy. Exposing the double life of a Hollywood star is not conspiracy. Pointing out the filthy underside of Hollywood (drugs, extra-marital sex, pedophilia) is not conspiracy.

Now, a lot of people like to deceive themselves that what they see is all there is. One term for such people are dialectical materialists (i.e. only matter matters). Thus such simple-minded folk think that what actors and actresses do on the silver screen is performance art and has no affect upon their psyches. That a person can role-play a murderer for a few months and then come away, completely unscathed. Such people also ignore all the evidence of what Hollywood is and does — the casting couch is no myth.

What am I driving towards? A better understanding of human nature. People rarely are caught the first time they do something. They are only caught once they do something often enough to get comfortable, lazy, and careless. Thus, when you hear about an actor getting busted for attempting to hire an underaged prostitute in a foreign country, you know that it is not his first time doing this. He has simply been caught, because he wasn’t as careful as he was, originally. Likewise, when someone is busted for doing drugs, it’s because that is a habit, and they were caught. Understand that when enough people visit a certain area, it means something. Hollywood actors, directors, and so on, don’t just visit a hotel because it’s expensive. Ask yourself — these people have money to blow; they could stay anywhere; why here? Sin clusters.

Exposing human behavior, especially human behavior that has become habitual for the individual, and habitual for many people in the same industry, and then determining who else hangs around such people — none of this is conspiracy. What it is, though, is making something public that the people involved wished were hidden. Exposing the hypocrisy of people used to be thought of as a good thing, but hypocrisy is completely acceptable among people of a certain political outlook.

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